Monday, January 12, 2015

Decmber Horror Block...

Ok so I am gonna just do a quick post to show yall what I got this month. Been way busy and I am behind on so very much since this promotion.
Anyway here is this month's block....
Redrum! Redrum! This month's shirt is an uber cool shirt from the Shining and I love it. The material is a bit softer than those in the past and much as I love black shirts it was a nice change of pace.
Totally had to rock it that day :P
Next is a Funk Pop! This one is from the Universal Monsters line. Super stoked about this cause I just got these bad boys from friends for xmas and he will fit in nicely with them...
So this thing had me cracking up...It is hand sanitizer. But I know I am not the only one who finds the name hilarious!!
So the Poltergeist mouse pad is a little on the small side but it sure is wicked!
Back to Rue Morgue magazine this month. I honestly prefer Fangoria but this one is good too ;)
Finally there was a stress ball type skeleton...
Seriously amused that he has maggots in his eyes LOL...
Well that is it for this month. Can't wait to see what comes next month!!

Licks & Lashes,
Mistress Tragedy

Thursday, January 1, 2015

November Horror Block...

Ok so as usual I am waaaay behind! I coulda swore I posted this but I guess not. So lets dive into the block from November shall we!

Sweet! I been wanting a scaler and now I got one!!
The t for this month

OMG!! This is awesome!! A Nightmare On Elm Street film cell!!

 You know I so hadda watch this the night I opened the box!
 Seriously digging the Hannibal Stress ball heart!

Thinking these stickers may just end up being magnets or buttons
 How awesome is it to have Godzilla chilling on my external cord!
Excuse the scary no makeup day but I hadda show off the shirt ;)
Not a bad little haul if I do say so myself. My favorite was probably the film cell but I loved the box overall. Only thing I probably wont be using is the Cthulu car sign. It just seems kinda cheap and flimsy. Anyway I am still waiting on my December block for some reason but as soon as it arrives I will get it posted!

Licks & Lashes,
Mistress Tragedy